Post Good Friday

I went to my very first Good Friday service. In my church background, we never had services on Good Friday. Some friends of mine minister at a church nearby and they were having their first Good Friday service, so I thought my family should join in and help us focus on the meaning of Easter.

Not knowing what to expect, I was really moved by the experience. The auditorium was dimmly lit, with communion spread out at the front, along with candles. The service was simple, yet profound.

We took communion together as the body of Christ, remembering the giving up of his body and the giving of his blood. We sang songs of Christ’s sacrifce and love, and inbetween times of singing, there were times of scripture read by various members, all expounding the last moments of Christ’s life.

After each scripture was read, a candle was extinguished, so that when the words, “It is finished” was read, we were in darkness and silence. We were dismissed by the pastor and we left in the quiet and in the dark.

I am sad to say that I will miss the beauty of Easter at this church when the members will enter to a beautifully LIT auditorium, full of light…the light of Christ and His resurrection.

Of course, we, as His children, walk in His light each and every day. I am thankful for that. But it was a good reminder for me at that Good Friday service to remember what I could be walking around in. Darkness. Utter darkness.

Praise God that He has come and brings us into the light of His love.

12 responses to “Post Good Friday”

  1. yes, praise God! Happy Easter to you, sherrinda!


  2. Happy Easter Sherinda! I’ve never been to a Good Friday service either – but the church I went to when I lived in Madison had a maudy (sp?) Thursday service – where we had communion (the night of the Lord’s supper) and sang songs and celebrated together. It was pretty cool.Do you read Our Daily Bread? There was an awesome devotional today. It was about how we’re all living in Saturday. The forgotten day. The day between Jesus’ death on the cross and his Sunday resurrection. He made his followers wait a day – can you imagine how hard that day was? The author made the point that we’re living in Saturday – eagerly awaiting for the day when Jesus comes again. I thought that was a pretty awesome analogy.Anyway – hope you have a great Easter sunday!


  3. Wow, that sounds like such a powerful service! I’m glad you were able to go.


  4. Thanks Jeannie, I hope you have a blessed Easter too!


  5. Katie, I LOVE the idea of us living in the Saturday…a waiting period, so to speak, in eager anticipation. How cool is that. Thanks for sharing! And have a wonderful Easter Day! (It’s supposed to storm here in Fort Worth, Texas, but then, my kids are all older and do the egg hunts anymore…sniff, sniff.)


  6. Hi Jessica! I was so glad to get to go to that service, because it has really made me focus more on the real meaning of Easter this year. It has really stayed with me. Have a Blessed Easter Day! (Are ya still sore?)


  7. That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


  8. Great post, Sherrinda!! Blessings to you on this Easter and rejoicing in Christ’s resurrection!


  9. Thanks Lady Glamis and Jaime!I am trusting that your Easter weekend was full of blessing and fun. Now on to the daily grind…


  10. Happy Belated Easter! He has risen!


  11. Praise the Lord and glad to see you have a happy family. Blessings to all of you and look forward to hearing from you all. Cheers and have a fruitful day,


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