Win A Box Of Books!

Camy Tang writes Christian chick lit in her Sushi Series and she has a new romantic suspense being released called Deadly Intent. Today she is kicking off a HUGE contest, giving away 14 boxes of Christian books!

All you have to do is sign up for her newsletter here to get your name in the pot and then you will be given a link to a super-secret contest entry form. 🙂 You do have to have a Yahoo ID to get to the link.

Here are the rules at Camy’s site:
You can get a look at all the books she will be giving away!

If you love books, this is a GREAT contest!

Oh yes, if you mention that I referred you, I get an extra ticket in the pot! 🙂 No pressure though. Seriously…none whatsoever!!!! lol I AM serious.

13 responses to “Win A Box Of Books!”

  1. Cool!! I'm going to go over right now. Thanks for sharing! I'll mention you referred me. 🙂


  2. Wow, that IS generous! Now if I can just recall my Yahoo password…
    Thank, Sherrinda!


  3. you're going to laugh, but i signed up for the contest…and put sherrinda “don't-know-hot-to-pronounce-her-last-name-sounds-like-ketchup” as who referred me. i think sherrinda would have done it just fine…but i thought i'd make you smile!

    maybe i'll post an entry later in july like you did…


  4. Katie, I love books and just wanted to share the love!

    Jeanette, I thought it was VERY generous and such a smart promotional idea to get a newletter following. I love how creative some people are!

    Jeannie!!!! LOL..that is too funny! Just call the the Ketchup-Girl! ha! Believe me, with a name like mine, I answer to just about anything! 🙂


  5. Huzzah! I entered… and realized that Camy's blog is perfect for me… what excellent info she has on there! Thanks for directing me to yet another new author to try out 🙂
    Gave your name as the referral… good luck to everyone who enters!


  6. Wow! 14 boxes? I can't imagine that! Wouldn't that be like heaven or something? 🙂

    Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to take a trek over and check it out!


  7. Very cool! I already get her newsletter but haven't read this month's yet.


  8. Jeannie, your comment totally made me laugh!

    Thanks so much for posting about the contest, Sherrinda!



  9. Faith, YES!, Camy has a GREAT blog with lots of wonderful writing help. I'm sure you will love her!

    Jody, it is definitely an amazing contest! Just think, if you won a box, you would have your “in-between-books” reading library at your finger tips! Of course, once Rachelle sells your books, you won't have any time for reading!!!! 🙂

    Jessica, I just got her newletter today while I was on before work, so I got a jump on things!


  10. Camy!!!! I just love this contest you are doing and think it is just an ingenious marketing idea! I love to hear of new ideas for marketing and getting the word out. Can't wait to read your new one coming out!


  11. Sorry, can't help you, Sherrinda as I'm already on her list. Good luck with the pot, though!


  12. haha…[pats self on back]…i made camy laugh….sherrinda…you are now officially the ketchup girl. 🙂 (until you get tired of it…then i'll stop)


  13. Thanks for the heads up!


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