Top 10 Worst Blog Post Ideas

I was stuck on what to blog about and Katie tweeted that I should blog about terrible blog ideas. So…here is my list of the 10 worst blog ideas ever.

10. Report on the studies done regarding the cleanliness of public bathrooms. Can anyone say eewww?

9. Gripe about your mother-in-law. (I happen to love mine, and have nothing but praise. But I have heard stories…!!!!)

8. Gripe about you mother. (Can’t say that I could do this either, as I have the sweetest, most generous mother in the world!)

7. Plastic surgury updates. (though before and after pics might give us something to smile about!)

6. Bed bugs. Those creepy crawlies that news crews love to expose on TV and gross everyone out to where they develop phobias about sleeping in hotel beds.

5. Blog about dieting tips when you have never worn a size greater than 8. Really?

4. Toenail fungus, and where you might have picked it up, and the treatment of it. Please, no pics.

3. Mole and wart removals. (Unless it’s cancer, then by all means post so we can at least pray about it.)

2. How to train your cat to cough up hairballs OUTSIDE instead of INSIDE the house!

1. The best ways to pick your nose and not get caught. (Okay, I confess that Jill’s post got me thinking about this…and I thought Jill’s post was EXCELLENT, btw!!!!)

So there you have it. Surely you can come up with worse ideas than that!

24 responses to “Top 10 Worst Blog Post Ideas”

  1. Actually if you can train your cat to do ANYTHING you have achieved a major accomplishment.


  2. I LOVE THIS!!! You know that I favor top ten lists…. and this was awesome!

    I like #5. “I went from a size six to a size 2 by _________” BLAH I don't want to hear it! How if you went from an 18 to a 6, bring on the stories!


  3. Halarious! I'm glad you used the idea. Very well executed. 🙂 And now that you mention it, I have this wart on my knee…


  4. Paul, LOL, I suppose a blog about how to train a cat would be widely successful! Everyone would want in on the secret!

    Krista, I thought about you when I wrote this. “What funny stuff would Krista put in?” I liked #5 too! I have a friend like that….sigh. I don't want her advice, thank you very much. 🙂

    Katie, you had a great idea, girl! Thank you ever so much! Now about that wart….All my kids have gotten them. We done everything for them, but the doctor works the best. 🙂


  5. Funny list! Hey though, don't be hating on the skinny peeps. LOL! We've got good advice *cough, cough*


  6. And I thought for sure there'd be one about excessive body hair! LOL


  7. Oh, dear, this is soooo funny— thanks for sharing!


  8. Sherrinda, would you PLEASE do a blog post on training cats to puke outside rather than inside? PLEASE! 🙂 Seriously, my cats puke on the carpet too much.

    Your list is hilarious! Thanks for giving me a laugh today! Hope you're surviving your first week back at work!


  9. I think I may have actually blogged about bed bugs before. Nice. 😀

    Fun list.
    ~ Wendy


  10. *wipes the sweat off her forehead* Wew…I don't think I've covered any of those topics YET….But I was considering the cat one…oh wait, I don't have a cat. Nope we are safe on this end 🙂

    Great list!


  11. Okay, I'm laughing sooo hard right now, because I got to about number 4 on your list and thought, did I really post about nose picking?? Imagine my delight at number one!!

    I should probably have you and Katie advise me on appropriate posts, because I don't know what I was thinking!!

    Enjoy a caffeinated beverage–you know you need one!


  12. Lol, that was a funny list. But you know what? Most of the blogs I follow are writer's blogs. So if they did blog about these topics, they'd probably do so with intriguing or beautiful prose and I'd find myself reading all afternoon about toe fungus and hairballs and just be smiling away 😀


  13. Okay, yup, these were bad!

    Too funny!


  14. Oooooops. I just did number ten in a blog a week or two ago. Actually, it's not as bad as you'd think. Just don't set your purse on the floor. Trust me on that!


  15. Those are hilarious! How about a post on training a cat to use the toilet. I hate liter boxes.


  16. good stuff, good stuff. and sorry i missed your blog yesterday…you'll have to go checkout my post. 🙂


  17. Sherrinda, thanks for a good laugh to start my day.


  18. This site is awesome. I'm just starting to follow it! I am also looking for follwers of my blog. Could you please visit and comment on some of my posts at ? Thanks. I'm a writer too, so I'm trying to get my voice heard.


  19. Jessica, you aren't always trying to fix me! I love skinny girls, really, I used to be one and TRIED to gain weight. lol

    Eileen, oh goodness, that should have been one. To wax that fur on the back or not to was….

    Jeannette, glad I could bring a smile to your face!

    Jody, I did NOT know cats did that! I hear about hairballs, which is gross enough in itself, but this throwup stuff is disgusting!

    Wendy!!! You blogged about bed bugs? (shiver) How funny!

    Marybeth…no need to sweat, you always have great things to write about.

    Jill!!!! I LOVED your nose picking post! That was sooo good. I'm glad you gave me a funny #1! 🙂 And yes, I might as well have an IV of caffiene, because I have been drinking it constantly!

    Cindy, you are so right! Our writer friends could write about cat throw up in a most beautiful way! 🙂

    Erica, sorry…I couldn't help myself. 🙂

    Stephanie, oh goodness! I bet your post on body hair was AWESOME!!!

    Heather, oh definitely…someone really needs to find a way to toilet train a cat! Litters STINK!

    Jeannie! I haven't been able to hit the blogs lately either! (I've worked 10 hours a day the past 2 days) I am hoping things slow down in a week or two…maybe.

    Keli, I'm glad I could oblige!

    Shigune, thanks for stopping by! I love your blog layout! The header is awesome!


  20. Very funny. Nose picking? Really?
    I haven't read any awful posts, but a few that really confused me. There was one that was 2-3 lines long and seemed to be a line from a book. But I wasn't sure what the point of post that was since that wasn't mentioned and I had no idea how I might comment. But I love your post. LOL


  21. I'm definitely up for the hairball post. I just cleaned one up yesterday… anyone who has insight on THAT is welcome to post in my book! LOL


  22. LOL! Here's one I wouldn't want to read: A diaper-by-diaper account of the contents within.


  23. Love this!! I struggle too what to blog about but I think I'll stick to my own list if you don't mind:)


  24. Tabitha, that would be a terribly short post!

    Faith! I HATE hairball throwup! It is sooo disgusting!

    Tara, how funny!!! A diaper by diaper account! Now THAT would be on my top ten NOT to blog about list!

    Terri! You would do well to stick with what you are doing! You are good at it!


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