I Think I’m Back!

I am breathing easier. I’m rested. I am back in the land of the living. And I’m so incredibly glad. August used to be my favorite month, but now…not so much. I understand the need for overtime at my job in August, but that doesn’t mean I like it. I really tried not to complain too much, but found myself looking for my cranky pants and slipping them on with ease.

I know my family is glad to have me back. They will enjoy a cleaner house and now I can cook some real meals. We can all sit together at the dinner table, which is one of my favorite times of the day. I love the sharing and the laughter that only comes over a shared meal.

I’ve missed my online friends and feel out of the loop, but I have to admit that there was some relief in knowing I really did not have the time to check on the blogs I follow. I know I put it on myself, but still, I feel guilty for not stopping by and leaving comments on everone’s blog. I wish I had a good balance, because now that I am back at work, I need to manage my time so that I have time to work on the rewrites in my book.

I also want time to begin to flesh out the ideas for my next book. I have several ideas running through my mind and I am praying to see what God wants from me. I think He wants a contemporary. How strange, since I love to read historical. 🙂

Here’s to a new day. A new beginning. A fresh start. Happy Monday!

22 responses to “I Think I’m Back!”

  1. Don't feel guilty! This is fun and somewhat business, but it's def. not more important than your family. 🙂
    Glad things are calming down for you!


  2. Welcome back to the land of the living! We missed you! But it is hard to find the balance with blogging and life. Hope you're able to find a routine that works. I hope I can too!!!


  3. Yippee! Glad you're back, dear. I'm sure your family is, too.
    I love it that you love having dinner with your fam. That shows where your treasure lies.
    Audience of ONE


  4. Welcome Back to the living!!! You gave me goose bumps when you wrote about fleshing out a new idea. That's so exciting. You go girl!


  5. It's great to have you back! I definitely missed seeing your posts pop up. Hope all is well with the fam and I hope this next month is easier for you!


  6. Hooray you're back!

    I know the feeling–I follow so many blogs and yet have three WIP Ideas and like 3 Short stories I need to get on. It can get crazy, but I have to stop in to see everyones as much as I can.

    There's nothing wrong with exploring new genres! I'm all about that!


  7. To new beginnings!!! Yes, family is most important and even as wonderful as blogging is, work and our manuscripts always must come first.


  8. Welcome back!

    Sometimes bloggy land takes up too much time. Life has to come first, even if it is overtime at work.

    Nice to see a post from you again.


  9. Hi, Sherrinda! It's nice to meet you!!!

    I really enjoy your blog! The colors are so happy that I automatically perk up when I see it! I'm excited to get to know you! Have a great day!


  10. Welcome back. I do understand the guilt. I keep telling myself, “Today, I will skip the reading and just write.” Yeah, write. Right?


  11. Happy Monday, welcome back! I love your blog so I'l be glad to chat with you through it once again. 🙂


  12. Welcome back, and Happy Birthday!


  13. Welcome back. You were missed!

    I wish you a very Happy Birthday and hope you have a blast celebrating.


  14. Welcome back! Oh, a contemporary? THAT would be interesting. Contemporaries are my kind of thing 🙂


  15. Glad you are back to some more normal hours, Sherrinda.

    And I love planning new stories! I have told myself I can't start another story until I finish at least one that I'm in the middle of now. 🙂


  16. Hellloooooo! So glad to see you again!

    Really, I'm glad your schedule is calming down again. It is very hard to find that routine when you add new things to the mix. We all have to remember that it's okay to take a break from certain activities at times.


  17. Welcome back Sherrinda!! If you're looking for ways to “force” yourself into rewrite mode, you can always make a little deal: a half hour online for a half hour of rewrites! It works!


  18. Thank you all for your sweet welcome backs! Today was so normal at work, that I was smiling all day. Of course, it being my birthday did help! 🙂

    The vice-principal set a big Diet Dr. Pepper from Sonic on my desk, along with a bag of gummy bears!!!! I love gummy bears! lol

    I can't wait to get into a new writing mode. I feel the itch.


  19. How nice of your VP to make such a thoughtful gesture. I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday.


  20. Oooh, I love the animated smiley face! So cute.

    Welcome back! We all have busy times where blogging gets pushed aside for awhile. I'll be AWOL for a couple of days this week – getting away for some much-needed R&R. (My post will still run on Wednesday.)

    Susan 🙂


  21. Welcome back my friend Sherrinda! So happy to see ya! I'm still trying to figure out blogging and balance. Here's what I'm going to try. I'm only going to check other people's blogs on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I declare Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends as blog-free days. We shall see how I do with this new plan….

    Hope you can find something that works for you! And no guilt allowed.


  22. Glad you've had a great Monday!


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