Kissing Day Blogfest!

I never dreamed this Kissing Day would take off like it has, and I just want to thank all of you for participating and making it FUN! Please check out my previous post HERE (or scroll down) for a list of links to all the bloggers that are participating in the Kissing Blogfest. I am so excited to read everyone’s posts and swoon with the romance of it all!

So here is an excerpt from my WIP, If My Heart Could Speak. It is a medieval, set in the 1100’s, England. To set it up, you need to know that the heroine, Jocelyn, has escaped from a convent as a boy, was rescued along the way by a knight, Malcolm, and became his squire for a tournament he was traveling to. He found out her gender, but due to circumstances I won’t share now, kept the secret. Later, when more than one secret is revealed, they are forced to wed, albeit reluctantly. There are more twists that come, but you will just have to wait and read about it years from now when I get published. 😉

So in this scene, Malcolm and Jocelyn have been out riding and have returned to the castle stables.

“Will you be at supper, my lord?” Jocelyn bit her lip, knowing that she begged. He had not taken supper in the hall the past few days and she wanted him to know she had noticed the slight.

Lifting her down from the horse, he paused, holding her close, not releasing his grip on her waist. “Do you want me there?”

She glanced away from his questioning gaze, distracted by the warmth of his hands. “You need not come if you find it tedious.”

Malcolm caught her face with his hand and turned it toward his own. Her breath caught as he leaned down, his lips hovering over hers. Heart hammering in her chest, Jocelyn struggled for breath, waiting for the warmth of his lips upon hers. His roughened cheek brushed hers as those lips, which should have claimed her own, whispered in her ear instead. “You, my lady, are anything but tedious.”

Jocelyn swallowed hard and tried not to feel so bereft when he dropped his hands, stepped back, and gave her a small bow.

“I thank you for a most enjoyable ride,” he said, leaving her in the hands of his capable guardsman.

Jocelyn took a deep breath and watched Malcolm’s tall, broad form walk purposefully down the bailey. My, but he muddled her head into confusion. Just days ago she had fought against his kiss and yet today, well, today she was of a mind to be kissed senseless.

So there you go. My “almost” kissing scene. I love the tension before the actual kiss. It is almost better than full blown kiss. Almost. 🙂

I thought it would be fun to post a kiss from the show Bones that I just loved. I found a behind-the-scenes clip that I thought was fun to watch. Don’t you ever wonder how actors gear up for those kissing scenes? Well, this is a cute one!

Please don’t forget to scroll down and check out the list for all the bloggers participating in the Official Kissing Day Blogfest! Thanks again for all the snogging! Happy reading!

72 responses to “Kissing Day Blogfest!”

  1. You just totally made my night with the Bones clip, in combination with your almost kiss scene!

    Thanks for making the Kissing Day Blogfest happen!


  2. Oh, wow! That almost kiss scene is amazing! I've fallen in love with Malcolm just a teensy bit already.

    Thanks for thinking up such a great event and hosting it. So much fun!


  3. Okay, so you totally rock. This is the part where I confess my obsession with medieval history. Oh, yeah. When I was 15 I compiled a family tree of the British medieval Royal family. That's how hard I rock!

    Your kissing scene was also awesome. I wanted to reach into the screen and grab Malcolm by the face. I thought he channeled a little it bit of Mr. Darcy too. Mr Darcy. Sigh.


  4. I loved that almost kiss scene! Great job, Sherrinda. I want to read more!!!


  5. Sometimes 'almost' kisses are better than the real thing 🙂 That one was great.


  6. Sherrinda!!! Look at you go! That was AWESOME girl! I love it! Made me want to read your book and made me really like your heroine. How fun is this?!


  7. Very good tension, Sherrinda! Now off to read another in this kissing fest!


  8. Sherrinda- Wow! You have an amazing medevial voice. I could never pull that off! The almost kiss was full of all the tension that great love scenes are made of. Boy, I hope he comes to dinner tonight!


  9. Fun, fun, fun! (And I love Bones, too…that was fun)


  10. Oh my, I wanted them to kiss so badly! UGH!!!!!!


  11. What a tease you are! I wanted them to kiss!!! I am so looking forward to your book being published. I loved your summary of the plot! Keep editing, Sherrinda, so we can read the whole thing. Something tells me that Malcolm kissed her eventually.


  12. Dude – I just scrolled down. 52 people! You ROCK Sherrinda! I can't wait to get home from work and read them all!


  13. Wonderful writing! My major in college was English and I concentrated solely on Medieval English lit. Will have to watch for your book when it comes out.


  14. You had me at 11th century England. The almost kissing scene is fantastic! So much emotion! I do love the tension. Your characters sound so fun! I hope you get it published sooner rather than later!


  15. Oh you guys, I am so excited about today. Thank you all for helping to make it AWESOME!

    Amalia, I love BONES! And that behind the scenes look at the making of the kiss was funny to me. I love it when she pulls him closer! 😉

    Rhiannon, thank you! I love Malcolm. sigh…

    Jade, I wish I could have your medieval notes! lol And yes, I love Darcy too! Malcolm is a bit more vocal than Darcy, but you don't really get that in this scene. He can be uber manly at times. lol

    Carla, thanks Carla! It was fun to write! 😉

    Tabitha, YES! Almost kisses are some of my favorite! The tension…sigh…it's the best!

    Thanks Katie! Can you believe how our little twitter-talk morphed into such a fun day? 53 people! I have lots of readint to do!

    Jody, thanks! I love tension…and I worked hard at that one. 😉 Happy reading today!

    Tamika, thank you! I love medieval and its “grandness”. And yes, he comes to dinner and it oozes with tension between the two.

    Karin, thanks for stopping by! Happy reading today! I can't wait to read your scene!

    Krista, perfect! I left you wanting more. lol

    Heather, thank you! I think I have a good plot, but it needs some fine tuning. I'm hoping to get it edited real tight and enter some contests this year.

    CJ, I would have loved Medieval Lit. Their history is so rich. Thanks for stopping by…I'm heading over to read and swoon!


  16. I love the part leading up to the kiss also. I provided a link to your blogfest. I still can't figure out what armadillos (what I wrote about) and kissing have in common.

    These are fun to read.
    ~ Wendy


  17. Yay! and Boo! I wanted a kiss. Okay, so you're right…almost kissing is awesome. Looks like you are building tension splendidly. Loved it! I'm with everyone else, publish that puppy so we can feel sa-tis-fied! Loved!


  18. LOVE it, Sherrinda. Fantastic.


  19. I loved the almost kiss scene! The tension rises and rises and it looks like it's about to be released but in the end just rises more!

    I also think I may be in love with the premise of your story! ❤


  20. *Swoon* That was lovely!


  21. Awesome almost kiss! 🙂
    If I were Jocelyn my tongue would be hanging out. LOL


  22. Sherrinda, I loved both your excerpt and the kissing clip! Very good.

    Merry Christmas!


  23. Wooohooo! That was…well…woohooo!

    and the Bones clip…sigh.


  24. LOVED the almost kissing scene from your book. Excellent tension!
    I mentioned you on my blog today, which BTW, has a kissing scene. Yippee Dippee!!


  25. 52 people? Last I knew it was 25! Loved your scene. Loved the Bones scene and um….for two people that didn't want to kiss that was one long kiss!

    PS. Loved your last line!


  26. Oh boy. Can't wait to see this one published!


  27. Sherrinda – I've seen you on many of my friend's blogs, and this whole Kissing Day has gotten my attention. 🙂 I had to stop by and say hello.

    I already posted a serious Christmas post this morning, but I may join the fun and add a kissing scene. Who says a person can't have two posts in one day? 🙂


  28. Ooo I love the tension. I love almost kisses because you know they both want it so bad! Fantastic job Sherrinda.


  29. I LOVED your excerpt. Kissing scenes are the best. And thanks for The Bones and Booth teaser. I loved that too.

    A Kissing Day Blogfest…What a wonderful idea.


  30. Sherrinda,
    Can you believe all the hype. I LOVE it!! Fantastic idea.
    I twittered and blogged about it. Anything else I need to do?


  31. OMG! I'm crazy about Bones, they kissed it was AWESOME!

    And the infamous almost kiss. You did it beautifully. I don't even know your characters and I want more.

    Here is my kiss, it's a kiss and a little more.

    Thanks for doing this, it's so much fun!


  32. Awesome, I love the scene and the dialogue and the voice–sometimes I think the almost kiss scenes are better than the actual kisses. Very nice!


  33. Sherrinda, yes there was definately tension. “Heart hammering in her chest,” is a great way to express it. And I liked the last line, too.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun blogfest!


  34. Oh my! I loved this and could totally feel the tension…this is right up my alley! I'm dying to read more! I was wishing I was her…sigh. It was very romantic


  35. TOO fun!! Loved the Bones clip! 🙂 But loved your tension filled scene too … albeit now I need teh ACTUAL kissing scene! 🙂


  36. Love Malcolm and the tension of your almost-kiss. Way to turn up the heat!
    Thanks so much for hosting this fun contest. I love the way it grew so big! (I finally got mine up. Kept obsessing)


  37. Love a good snogfest! And your own (almost) kissing scene…very nice. I'm intrigued! I look forward to seeing your progress. I'm very curious about the secrets unrevealed.

    By the way, I found your blog…everywhere! What a great idea this kissing day. Your blog looks great. I look forward to following it.


  38. love the line, “you, my lady, are anything but tedious.” mmmm. *sigh* this was great, ketchup girl. 🙂

    thanks again for putting this together. it's quite the hit!!

    Where Romance Meets Therapy


  39. That was great, Sherrinda. The “almost kissing” was such an intimate moment. Thanks to you and Katie for planning this. Such fun!


  40. I love the tension you created in your kiss scene. And the Bones clip was great!


  41. Okay I didn't sign up, but participated anyway. Great idea.


  42. I feel like banging a goblet on a table and demanding a kiss. 😉 That was great. I loved the Bones clip too.


  43. I love Bones! My daughter will freak when I show her this clip.

    Great almost kissing scene from your wip. I totally felt her regret from whatever pushaway happened before.

    I took up your challenge and included one from my own.

    Thanks again for the fun project.


  44. Thank you Sherrinda! This was a wonderful idea & I thoroughly have enjoyed participating and reading everyone's entries!

    Your almost kiss was wonderful! ;o)

    Oh & I am so glad this event introduced me to your blog!!!


  45. I loved that! I can tell I would really love to read your book. I love how she had a mind to be kissed senseless. Yeah, i've had days like that. 😉

    Thank you Sherrinda for hosting this hawt kissing fest. I'm So loving it!


  46. Wow!!! I love this idea, and I'm so glad it took off. You did an amazing job with this. It makes me want to read more of your story.


  47. Whoo hoo! Good times. Darn tension filled almost-kisses. ;D

    I joined in on the fun and posted mine. I also put a link to this at the Absolute Write Water Cooler so maybe even more people will join in the kissing fun!


  48. Hey, Sherrinda! This is great! I've really enjoyed reading all of these today. Since I write women's fiction, I don't have a lot of romance in my stories or romantic scenes to choose from. I wish I did because I'd love to participate. Maybe next year. Kudos to you and everyone else who thought of this most excellent day!

    Have a Merry Christmas!


  49. Eeek! So I had to come in search of you and I'm sorry I'm late to the party. 🙂 Your thing didn't show up in my dashboard.
    Anyway, AWESOME excerpt! Your writing is so smooth. It was a great almost-kiss. 🙂

    And that clip? LOL I had to pause it because my heart was about to explode out of my chest. LOL Can't be surprising people like me with those steamy scenes. Heeeeheeee!
    Thanks so much for thinking this up! It was an awesome idea. 🙂


  50. Passion and angst! beautiful! Beautiful!


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