Happy New Year!

After reviewing the past year, I’ve have decided on my goals for the New Year. Breaking it down in several categories, here they are, in no particular order.

1. Have a family over for dinner and games once a month. (I need to get to know people better in my new church.)
2. Lose 20 more pounds and keep going to Weight Watcher Meetings.
3. Remember friends’ birthdays better. (Keep birthday gifts and cards on hand!)
4. Read: In different genres. Six non-fiction/motivational/inspirational books. The Bible in a different translation.
5. Take my vitamins regularly. (I’ve already been accomplishing this one with the help of Gummy Vitamins! YUM!)
6. Leave my Cranky Pants in the closet and wear my Fun Pants more!
1. FINISH EDITING MY WIP!!!!! I will accomplish this before anything else!
2. Learn to write a synopsis.
3. Learn to write a query letter.
4. Enter 3 or 4 contests.
5. Begin AND FINISH the first draft of my next book.
6. Read 3 Writing Craft books.
7. Break the habit of using exclamation points so much. (See #1 Writing Goal)

So there they are–my lofty goals for the year. I am sure I won’t meet all of them, but if I don’t reach for something great, then I will never attain greatness. Not that I want to be great, mind you, but I’d like to feel successful in life.
May the New Year bring you joy and peace. May your fingers fly fast and furious over your keyboards and may God your minds with an abundance of creativity.

Happy New Year, Friends!

Reminder: The NoKiss Blogfest is tomorrow over at Frankie’s blog. Sign up to post your almost kiss scene or just go throughout the list to read them.

24 responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. That sounds like a wonderful list, Sherrinda! I think you're right! It's better to have a plan than to flounder without any direction. I wish you all the best success in 2010. Happy New Year!


  2. I think you've won half the battle, actually making the list. LOL Gummy vitamins…sounds like something I must try. 🙂


  3. These are wonderful goals, Sherrinda! Our writing ones are similar, because I also want to finish revising a book and then write another one!

    Happy New Year, girl!


  4. That's a great list, Sherrinda! I say keep the exclamation points in real life. They're fun. :0)


  5. Great goals…and we share some in common! I guess now I need to add synopsis and query to my list now!


  6. The explanation point goal should be one of mine. lol! Good luck with your goals and have a lovely New Year!


  7. What great lists! I like how you have balanced writing with the rest of your life. It's so tempting to let the writing goals take over.

    I'm with you on reading the Bible in a different translation this year. Just dusted off my copy of The Message. As a PK (pastor's kid), I need to see the familiar words in a fresh way.


  8. I love the cranky pants goal! I may have to add that one to my personal list too… I'm sure my husband would appreciate it, haha.

    Good luck with your goals 🙂


  9. Great goals! I love that you're taking gummy vitamins. I bought those for my son, but he refuses to eat the yellow ones, so I end up taking those as my vitamins. They are tasty though, lol.


  10. Love your list- I can see a few that I am working on too. Praying that we see all the determination we need to get in line with our dreams.

    Happy New Year!


  11. Hi Sherrinda –

    You have a nice mix of items.

    While editing is on my list, I'll probably wait until I finish my third manuscript. Editing should be easier if I have an overall view of the series from start to finish. (At least that's what I'm telling myself.)

    Susan 🙂


  12. What a great list. I should take some of your goals and make my own. I too want to finished editing my WIP and begin a new one. Let's hope we both can accomplish this goal! Cheers to 2010!


  13. I'm likin' your list, Sherrinda! It sounds a lot like mine.

    Happy New Year! I pray that you will meet these goals.


  14. Jody, I guess we all need a plan of some sort or else we would wander through life aimlessly. 🙂

    Sarah, gummy vitamins are DEFINITELY a must! LOVE them…and my kids do too!

    Katie, May we write our stories and be successful in the process!

    Kristen, I like the thought of keeping those !!!! for real life! lol

    Embee, we shall learn to do those queries and synopsis together! What a year we will have!

    Nisa, I think the !!!! goal is probably too hard a habit to break for me. But I am going to try…a little.

    Cande, I'm with you. I need a freshness! I read through the Message this last year (I didn't finish, but got through the NT and 1/2 of the OT. This year I am reading the New Living One Year Bible. That should be good!

    Sara, oh yes, my husband is all for leaving the Cranky Pants hidden away! lol

    Roni, my 14 year old son loves them except for the yellow ones! I wonder what it is about the yellow…

    Tamika! Determination and Discipline! That's what I need.

    Susan, oh yes, definitely finish what you are working on so you can see the grand scheme of things! It's totally the right thing to do. 🙂

    Kelly, we can do it! A new WIP for a new year!

    Carla, thanks! I hope these goals are attainable for me this year! At least I'm going to try!


  15. Excellent goals. Best wishes for a rewarding 2010!


  16. Thanks for sharing your resolutions! (I need to quit using so many exclamation points too–I just can't help how excited I am when I write!)–SEE?!



  17. Awesome lists. I'll have to check out those Gummy vitamins. May your new year be fabulous.


  18. Why haven't I thought of gummy vitamins? My kids would love them, and I would too:)

    Great list of goals. I hope you achieve every one of them!!! (See, I like exclamation points, too)


  19. I love your goals. They are specific and attainable, right?
    Happy New Year.


  20. I think you're much more ambitious than me. Go for it!


  21. Great goals, Sherrinda. I look forward to following your progress. And I know there will be plenty. Look at all you accomplished last year!!!

    I hope you don't nix all your exclamation points. I've enjoyed all those you've shared in comments you've left on my blog.They're a reflection of your fun, engaging personality.


  22. I love these goals! I, too, need to focus on my happy pants and leave those grouchy ones behind. (I wore 'em today for a few hours and man, did they hurt!!)

    Your writerly goals are awesome, too. I need to focus on many of the same thing, first of all, to finish my darned WIP already!!

    Best to you in 2010!


  23. Happy New Year! I need to get around to writing my resolution list. Good luck with your goals!

    PS- Left you a present over at my blog



  24. Gummy vitamins…sounds like something I must try.

    Work from home India


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