Friday Mash Up

My mind is fractured today, with no clear train of thought. May has always been a busy month, and this one is no exception, it would seem. Between graduations, end of school, work projects, new faces at work, church gatherings, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, etc…, I have trouble staying focused.

So here’s some things going on with me…not that you are really all that interested, but I just want to organize my thoughts.

Renovations: We were told our offices at work will be renovated to add more office space. Some of the work will be done 10 feet away from me. And you know what? All I could think about was the dust! After 7 weeks of daily dust from our bathroom remodel, I’m not too excited about this renovation. But, of course, it will be so nice when it’s done right. (keeps repeating to herself)

Vacation: I’ve been giddy about this since I put in for it at work yesterday. I am taking 3 days vacation in 1-1/2 weeks! And I am going to a river house with a writer friend from church to WRITE! For 3 days straight! This is a first for me. Usually I feel guilty about taking any time away from my family, but I decided that it was okay. It would be good for me. And probably for my family too!

Weight Watchers: Well, I weighed in last night and to my utter surprise, I lost one pound! I’m not sure how I accomplished that, since I ate out a lot an devoured tons of food, but I am very pleased. That brings my total to  24.6. Yes, it is slow going these days, but thankfully, it is going in the right direction.

Giveaway: I am giving away a copy of Wildflower after Winter by Katie Ganshert. You can go HERE and comment to enter, as well as read my own Wildflower story. Katie is also hosting a blog hop today featuring many women who have their own Wildflower after Winter stories. Go HERE to find the links for all those participating.

And I guess that’s it for me. I’m glad it’s Friday, aren’t you?

7 responses to “Friday Mash Up”

  1. Fun Friday mash-up, Sherrinda. Hope you have a blast on your writing vacation. I just returned from a weeklong writing retreat…getting back to “real life” is, well, an adjustment. But oh that week away was sooo wonderful!


  2. Great job on the weight loss! And I am so jealous–a river house where you get to write. That sounds amazing. I hope you get a lot done and have a TON of inspiration.


  3. I live in a river house and I never seem to find the time to write! I should kick my family out for a couple of days and maybe I'd get a retreat! 🙂 No…maybe…?

    We have a large walkout basement facing the Mississippi and it is in need of some major renovations. There is a long room down there that we only use for storage and all the windows look out to the river rolling by – it has a see through fireplace cutting the room in two…someday (hopefully in the next two years) we plan on remodeling it and one side will turn into my writing room – I have it all planned out. The waiting is the hardest part.

    Happy Friday!


  4. Melissa, I saw a picture of the place where you stayed. That looked wonderful! A whole week of writing…sigh, it sounds heavenly. Did you get a lot accomplished?


  5. Thanks, Cindy! I'm on the slow and steady loss plan. 🙂

    I am sooo excited about the river house. I've never gone away to write and it sounds like a dream come true!


  6. Gabrielle, isn't it funny that sometimes we don't always appreciate what we have? I totally love the idea of your writing room!!! You HAVE to do it and take tons of pictures so I can drool, okay?


  7. Sherrinda, congratulations on your WW success. Every pound lost is a victory worth celebrating.

    I hope you and your writer friend have a fabulous time on your retreat.


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