Fearing Authenticity

Yep, that’s me.

I have a confession to make. I’ve been in a slump this year, afraid to post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I’ve even been afraid to blog. Why is that, you ask?

I’m afraid to be me.

Since I’ve signed a publishing contract in April, I’ve choked at being just me. It’s silly, I know. But being an author and having to promote yourself as an author has me all twisted up in trying to be a “real author” — you know, someone who is serious about the business side of writing.

Don’t get me wrong. I am serious about writing and all it entails, but I miss being free to be just me. I love to laugh, not take myself seriously, and have fun with life. That includes all aspects of my life.

People talk about finding your “voice” in writing. If I can’t find my voice in real life and express that life (even on social media), then how can I ever find and free my voice in my writing? Indeed!

So this month I am focusing on authenticity. I want to be real. I want to be me — the real me. This should be fun, right?

When has your authenticity been stifled? Is it hard to be real, either in life or on social media?

Sherrinda Signature


17 responses to “Fearing Authenticity”

  1. Hey, friend! Be yourSELF. Look at it this way: God gave you a unique and wonderful gift. A talent! As you step out of your comfort zone, consider this as you post, share, and blog. Remember, you are blessing others each time you give away “a piece” of your beautiful self! Cheering you on!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. It is so strange that I ‘know’ this, but it has been hard to live it out. I love that you are such a wonderful cheerleader. (((hugs)))


  2. Oh Sherrinda, never be afraid to be you. You’re so cool and I love that you don’t take yourself too seriously.

    I do think we’re all a little nervous on social media. It’s hard because today we make so many “friends” without ever meeting each other in person.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Having so many “friends” is a little overwhelming. I gotta get over that and just let go. 🙂


  3. I completely understand Sherrinda. I get “stuck” overthinking about my writing. You are an awesome lady, keep shining your light friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Stacy! Sometimes I overthink things too. It’s so hard to quit being a people pleaser.


  4. Hi Sherrinda,
    God made us the way we are for a reason. I understand freezing and the fear of showing people the real us. I struggle with being real and being rejected. But we need to remember God is perfect and even if people reject us, He continues to love us.
    Yay to you for being real!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jackie! The fear of rejection is so paralyzing. But, as you well know, rejection is part of this writing gig. 🙂 God is the one who I need to look to for validation.


  5. Sherrinda, thank you for being true to your voice and admitting it’s a little scary to be yourself on blogs and social media. Thanks for the message, and I look forward to seeing you be yourself and shining. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I figured there were others out there who are afraid. I know you aren’t!!! You shine bright. 🙂


  6. Sherrinda, You are about the most “real” person I’ve ever known You have been such an inspiration to me, and you’ve helped me more than you will ever know by opening up and sharing struggles that you’ve had. Sometimes it’s easy to look at other people and feel like they have it all together, and when they are open with you, it really helps! I love you and feel SO blessed to consider you my friend! I think you are really hard on yourself, and I want you to stop it!!! If you have flaws, you’ve hidden them from me for 10 years!!
    You are perfect the way you are!! (And I want you to remember everything I wrote here today when you become a famous author!!! Lol!!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Kay! You melt my heart. Thank you for your unconditional love and your encouragement to me. You and your family mean so much to me! I love you, friend.


  7. Oh, Sherrinda, I can totally identify with you. I’m always worried I’ll offend someone or sound stupid or any number of other things. But you are who God created you to be and as long as you keep that in mind you’ll do fantastic.


  8. Yes!!! Terri, I have to keep in mind that God made me to be ME, not some uber sophisticated woman. Ha! Sophisticated, I am not. 😉


  9. Oh wow. I didn’t know you were struggling. As I read your blog, I had a vision that might help. Perhaps you could look at it like this: Suddenly, you have a brand new addition to your house, a wonderful writing/study room that is just like you always wanted. You are so excited about the room, you are drawn to it daily and love making decorative touches in there. But one day, you realize the other rooms in your house have been neglected and may have collected a bit of dust as they have sat idle. Go spend some time in those “old” rooms again, and listen to the echoes of memory filter through. Reconnect with other old hobbies, old friends and so many other things you have had to put on hold to achieve the “new addition”. The “real” Sherrinda has not gone anywhere, she still resides at the same address. The only difference is — she’s expanding her life and learning to balance the old and the the new. You will find your way, I have no doubt.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I couldn’t put a name to how I had been feeling, but I knew I was hesitant to blog and keep up with my newsletter, and even post on social media. I had to do a lot of soul searching to figure out what was going on. I LOVE your analogy and feel it is a great way to look at it! Thank you, friend. 🙂


  10. How did I miss this post? I can relate to this on so many levels. I think everyone tries to put their best foot forward on social media. You’re definitely not alone. Peace, my friend.


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